Sunday, 18 January 2009

Torpoint B V Kitto B & Mayflower Wed

Torpoint Bs season seems to have hit the buffers! First a visit to Kitto B who are riding high when nothing went right for Torpoint. Some good games but none that looked anything like going Torpoints way.

Next came a visit from Mayflower Wed at home with much the same story. Good games but another 9 - 0 to the opposition. Still its not the winning but the taking part. I dont know who said that but he must also have been on a loosing side and wanted a excuse as well.

Joan has not been well and missed the last 2 games. Carol stepped in and must have wondered what had hit her. Sorry Carol. We will try to do better next time. Thanks for helping out.

Beckley cup on Monday against Kitto. Fingers crossed that things go better!

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