Friday 14 August 2015


An 8 week coaching course has now been arranged by the club specifically for our Junior members but if anyone else wants to join in, they should be able to. The course will start during club nights on the 2nd September and will cover - strokes and grips, serving, stroke routines, playing level doubles and mixed doubles. The course will be undertaken by Alan Berry and assisted by Celine Conley (level 1 coach), the course will start at 8pm for approx 1 hour. On completion of each session you can then resume play with the club. Cost will be £2 per coaching session to cover some of the costs for the provision of the coaching sessions the rest coming from club funds. Everyone should benefit from this course and will provide you with amongst other improvements a more tactical approach to playing games so please try and attend. If anyone other than Juniors feel they would benefit and want to take part, please contact Chris.

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