Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Beckly Cup 07-12-11 Torpoint V BATS

Well team, we will have to give the cup back! Never mind! Well done anyway! In the League Torpoint won 9 -0 and by 177 aces, so it was always going to be tough. We still had to win convincingly whilst not playing the full A Team but did not think we would have to better the 177. Bats played their socks off and there were some very close and exciting games. BATS pair of James and Collette took two ends from Torpoint. At the end of the night Torpoint were 119 points in front. Would it be enough? Open the envelope and BATS had been given +189. Torpoint had not done enough and BATS won by 70 aces. Well done team you played very well and that was a very tough hill to climb! And we don’t want to win every year do we? Congrats BATS and best of luck in the next round! You have to do it for us now. We will cheer you on in the final!

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