Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Beckley Cup 12/12/2007 Torpoint V Mayflower Wed

Well! we are on a roll! After the men winning their first match last week, the Beckly Cup team made it two wins in a row. The Beckly cup is a handicapped competition and Mayflower is in the League above Torpoint. However Torpoint managed to win on the night by 31 points anyway and with the + 126 handicap ran out winners by 157 points!

There were some very close hard fought games on the night and it was a very good evening played in the best of spirits. For Torpoint Dan & Audrey scored the most points followed by Joe & Julie & Mike & Julie bringing up the rear but everbody did there bit to make it a good night for Torpoint. It was a good team effort!

One more match this year for the Medley team next week and then its the Christmas festivities!

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