Monday, 11 February 2008

Matches from 21 Jan until 6 Feb

We seem to have had a bit of a flurry of matches and unfortunatly there has not been any good news. First the mens!
The match due to have been played on the 21st of Jan was cancelled on the day because Uni had team problems. Not really a valid reason but we want to play it so we are waiting for a new date fron Uni.
We then played YMCA B on the 30th Jan and although there were some good games we went down 9 - 0. So you would have thought we could have done better the following week against Mayflowe Wed, well, we did but it was only by 1 point and we lost 8-1.
We have not played any Ladies during this time but we have played 2 mixed. This was against Builders and Callington and we lost them both, the first 9 - 0 and the second 8 - 1. If nothing else we are consistent!
There has been some good games though and it is not the winning but the taking part that counts - Honest.
We are in the next round of the Beckly cup though which is the Semi Final. This is at home on FRIDAY the 15th FEB. Note it is not a normal club night.

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