Friday, 27 November 2015

Mens Match - Torpoint B vs Tavyside 25-11-15

Tavyside Badminton Men's team looked slightly different for the match at Torpoint!

Having been let down and unable to find a fourth man at short notice they used a lady, Charlotte to play for the men's team!

Going into the match 6 games / points down was going to make the evening interesting: Alan and Dave managed to take the first two games against Stuart and Mike. This was followed up with Alan and Bill taking the second two games against Mike and Daniel. With just Daniel and Stuart V Dave and Bill left to play out the match the pressure was on!  The first game was close but went the Tavyside way 23 - 21; now to the final game of the evening, which was close all the way through until the last few points when Daniel and Stuart took it 21 - 19 making it a narrow 7-5 win to Torpoint!

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